Often used for sensing the position of glider undercarriage handles, airbrake handles, flap cruise climb switching, canopy locked and to be used in conjunction with a glide computer or variometer to provide warnings.
The LX range of instruments can offer undercarriage not down warnings, airbrakes unlocked warnings, canopy not locked, water ballast taps open etc...
We also have a range of limit switches which can be used as an alternative if a reed switch will not work in your setup.
This rectangular reed switch has a current rating of 0.5 A, voltage rating of 200 V and measures 32 x 8 x 15 mm. This proximity switch is used in position and limit sensing, linear actuators, security system switch and door switch.
Reed switches are a type of industrial switch and are used to interrupt or redirect the flow of electricity within a circuit. Reed switches are composed of two ferrous reeds in a small glass casing. The switches are magnetised and move when the magnetic field is moved towards the switch. A reed switch can turn on or off when a magnetic field is nearby.