Instrument cover mounting kit for Range-o-Matic antenna.
Desigend to keep the antenna at the correct angle and below the canopy. Can be used on fixed instrument covers and also on jetisonable canopy only if secured with velcro.
Please note, make sure the bottom arm of the antenna does not touch any metal componants or the instruments underneath the instrument cover.
For best results, make sure the antenna arm's are at leasy 170mm from any electrical or metail objects. If you have lots of instruments and or metal under your instrument cover, consider canopy mounitng the antenna as performance wil be dramaticaly reduced by proximity of EMF sources and or metal.
Permanantly fixing the antenna to a Jetisonable canopy is not recomended, secure the plate with velcro on the underside of the canopy so it will release. If in doubt, use the quick release version of the antenna!
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